My 100 day weight loss challenge ends

Cor van Drieberge
5 min readAug 16, 2022


How I have failed miserably and succeeded beyond expectations

Not a picture of myself, but adjusted in Canva. (For the old Metal Gear Solid Players, they will know)

For the ones who have been reading the few articles I have written on my 100 day challenge to weight loss, THANKS.
For the ones who clicked, because of my subtitle. Thanks!

I have been into a rollercoaster these 100 days, with the bonus on the 99th day, that my tromboses were not completely gone. So I can well say that I the 100 days are as of today over.

In this post I want to share my failures, successes and foremost lessons during this period.


  • Goal: lose at least 0.5 KG per week. well that did not happen. For the 100 days challenge I expected to lose around 14 KG. However I lost 3. Which is far from the goal
  • I did not write everyday about everything I have learned. Since I promised mainly myself to write about lessons learned everyday
  • I only started to focus on sports the last 4 weeks of this journey.
  • Hard to stay consistent along the way.


  • I lost weight. Instead of gaining
  • Gained a lot of knowledge through studying several information sources
  • Got back into at least 3–4 days a week of intermittent fasting. f
  • Energy level went up
  • I chose for me more than I would have done before
  • Emotions were not always on point, but I learned to cope with them we better than normal.
  • Business opportunities and clients came along during this period

Lessons learned:

  • Always, always take good care of yourself. Especially your mental wellbeing, since it will reflect immediately on your body.

During the busy times with 200+ trainings to provide, coordinate and more I had to make a choice between doing everything half or going in full for one thing. In the past I made the mistake to go for everything, so I gave myself permission to eat a bit less, while moving less. That helped me to keep my weight stable and focused on tasks that needed to be done

  • There is always something going on. Doesn’t matter when, how or what.

In this process I had a lot to handle. In June, my father passed away. The aftermath of cleaning up, settling everything, keeping my brothers checked up with me and so on. During this process in July I started to get back to my training again. This helped me actually to get my energy level up.

As mentioned in the beginning, I have recovered from tromboses after having long-covid myself, just to find out yesterday that I have still some leftovers in my belly. Especially now the training and coaching season starts, the researches and so on are really not a happy place at the moment. Because I can use all the energy and focus for this.

Luckily also some nice things, like the birth of my nephew and great weather that can distract you for the good.

  • Keep a few people close where you can release emotions and push away people who don’t understand or want to understand you.

At this point, I have learned that a few people surrounding you is enough, to get you ahead. No need for tens or hundreds of people feeling for you. During this time, I noticed that sometimes the closest people should not be the ones to deal with your “mental” state. Even if they want, you will find bumps in the road. Get a few people who are able to, even if it needs to be a paid professional to do so.

  • Consistency is key

I have found out, that if you want to achieve something, no matter what you should stay consistent. Create a clear goal and reverse engineer it into tiny steps, which help you to get to that goal. I have been studying as much as possible, on the subject of losing weight. It helped me to keep paying attention and to make more conscious decisions.

  • Stress is a killer for basically everything

Not to expand on the topic of stress too much. There is always a good form of stress, which helps you to do things and a bad form, which basically makes you susceptible for all types of illnesses.

My weight loss halted when my stress level went up a bit to high. Mental clearness was gone and eventually making a lot of bad choices on health and well being because of that.
Now that my energy levels are a bit up again I tend to stick more to healthier food, even when eating out.

Even though I did not lose the weight, I look as if I have lost around 10 KG.

  • Prepare for a 100 day challenge in advance and make it as personal as possible.

On the internet, there are so many resources when you simply search. Even if you would search for a 30 day challenge, 1000 day challenge and everything in between, it will help you to create a personalised challenge.
There are good and bad things. One of the things is that it creates more focus and you will feel less distracted.

  • Make as many mistakes possible and learn from them

Final lesson to share. Make mistakes, it will filter out your discipline, your real goals and especially helps you to improve the processes

Is a 100 day challenge a good way to improve yourself?

Definitely a yes. And I am preparing myself to do a few more. This week I will start deciding which challenge I will give myself.

Maybe I will redo the 100- day weight loss challenge. With the knowledge that I have now and all the health issues going on around the globe, weight loss might be a good solution to be less affected by all of these.

Another challenge, that I am thinking of, is to grow my online presence, such that I don’t have to worry about any form of income loss.

As I am writing this on August 16th 2022, it means that we have 138 days left until 2023. So to finish at least one good challenge is my goal.

I am curious what challenge you will be putting up for yourself.
Feel free to talk about it and how I can help you prepare for this.

Let me know what you think of the points that I shared and share some of your thoughts to help me become a better being

Wish you an awesome day!



Cor van Drieberge

I write about my (personal) thoughts, building a coaching business and online programs. And I love to put martial arts in every aspect of it.