100-day weight loss: Recap first week

Cor van Drieberge
3 min readMay 16, 2022

3 KG in the first 5 days and then the weekend…

A short recap of the first week of the 100 day challenge in weight loss.

Just to share what I have done consciously:

  • 4 days of intermittent fasting
  • Less food intake
  • More movement (2x fitness, 2x capoeira classes & 2 days of teaching capoeira)
  • One day of capoeira event
  • Also some boxing and coaching on Wednesday. 4 hours of training
  • Trying to get quality sleep and enough hours (6,5 hrs to 8 hrs)
  • Listening to some materials on weight loss

On Monday the 9th I had a weight of 128,6 KG. Saturday Morning it was 125,7. Which is a loss of almost 3KG.

Monday the 16th of May it was 127,0 KG. Therefore I didn’t do anything different. Maybe eating a bit late on Sunday and recovering from the Saturday Capoeira Event, drinking a lot of water and a heavy lunch.

Lessons Learned

The weight loss that I endured mainly felt like losing water. This week I noticed that I looked less bloated in my face and stomach. Still I have a long way to go. But also happy with the immediate effect of weight…



Cor van Drieberge

I write about my (personal) thoughts, building a coaching business and online programs. And I love to put martial arts in every aspect of it.